Dominate Open Power Rankings

Risen Esports Leagues
5 min readMay 14, 2021
Credit: Riot Games

by Granterino and 4000 IQ

S Tier

T1 But A More Stable Roster (9–0)

KOALITY PLAYER IS LITERALLY CHOVY!!!! NO CHOKY!!!! He has the highest average kills, the lowest average deaths, and the highest damage dealt per game from any Open Dominate midlaner this season. This team is undefeated and a clear favorite to win Open Dominate. Their toplaner Tilt Chocolate is a solid weakside player and their jungle squrtfrz is fairly consistent jg. Koality Player has been easily the best midlaner this season. While Eeshwan is a decent ADC player and Pacinian plays extremely well on anti-engage supports and enchanters.

Overall, the team doesn’t have many weak spots. If I were to give them one criticism, most of their champ pools are fairly shallow, but that hasn’t been affecting them at all. Expect to see them in finals at the least.

RYZE TELEPORTATION 英雄联盟 400 CS 24 MIN HACK??? 闪光灯传送Doinb播放器ryze CENTUPLE FLASH 器 | 英雄联盟 DOINB HACK? (8–1)

Only losing to T1, DOINB has had a very good season. Dropping games here and there but still managing to pull out 8 wins of 9 series. This team has a really steady foundation of three Risen veterans in Scissors and Sin, Tengo, and 4000 IQ. Their two newer players, Emufriend, and Rightful Joker, are holding down the top and ADC positions. Tengo has had some extremely pop-off performances and is great at abusing the new mid picks, so look to him maybe picking up Diana, Rumble, and Vlad to carry his team the whole way.

The rest of the team is solid as you would expect. Finals is an expectation and anything less would be a huge disappointment.

A Tier

Insatiable Gentlemen (6–3)

I think that IG is a decent team, not quite good enough to break into S Tier, with two of their three losses being against T1 and DOINB, but beating almost every other team below them. They have a few returning Risen players, including a solid ADC with Huemanatee, and the mid/jungle duo of gosha and ogn who have won Risen Unstoppable Premade.

Expect them to perform well in playoffs, and maybe even contest finals if they can have better drafts and play better in laning phase.

B Tier

Itchy Rat (4–5)

This team is probably one of the hardest ones to predict because they swap around their roster all the time, and have only had a consistent roster for the last few weeks. That being said, the last few weeks they have looked good. They have star returning Risen player Granterino role swapping to support, along with kına who role swapped to ADC.

Since their role swaps, their bot lane, along with their team as a whole, has really stepped up, and they are looking good coming into playoffs.

Team 9 (2–7)

Yeah, they’ve legitimately FF’d 5 of their 9 series, but are 2–2 in the rest of their games which is a pretty good record I guess? The main reason we are putting this team higher than a lot of others is due to them adding 3 players right before playoffs, Zohair, Dumb Chemist, and Verticality. I love me some Zohair and Thew, so I am rating this team pretty high. Sylvïa is a rock in the top lane, so I expect them to do a lot better than what their record suggests.

C Tier

Astroturbo1v9pisssmurfers (4–5)

Double B, HolySpartan AND Van Offstendorp?????? Why are they all the way down in SIXTH?? This team took a while to get going but has shown a bright spot in the latter half of the season. They are one of the few teams to be consistent in who they lose to and who they beat, and with that track record, you would assume that their matchup against IG will be pretty tough. But, it has been a while. I always wanna believe in Double B.

Team 7 (4–5)

Imma be honest with ya. This team is a budget T1 But A More Stable Roster. They have one big threat in rAndOmCaPitALs, and another Risen veteran in Lil Sejong, but the rest of it leaves a lot to be desired. BotLanePartyTime and Silverpleb are on the lower rank side of the league but usually hold their own. I don’t think this team is BAD, but when you just take a look at their roster it seems like something is missing.

Semifinals seem like a possibility with finals as a pipe dream. I would love for them to prove me wrong.

D Tier

Katase High School League of Legends Club (3–6)

At first glance, this team’s record of 3–6 isn’t the most impressive, but they did manage to take a game off T1 But A More Stable Roster, being one of 3 teams to do so. They’re the underdogs going into their playoff matchup against the new T9, but who doesn’t love a good underdog story? They have a solid chance at taking down T9 and can even surprise DOINB in quarters.

For this team, a lot of the pressure falls on their jungler BringMeMyFlail creating early game lead. In teamfights thebot lane combo of Eliyss and Aáng shines. The solo laners in His Moonlight and yamacko have been doing a good job of holding their own and supporting the rest of the team with roaming picks in mid such as Galio and Ryze and split push threats in the top lane such as Yorick or weak-side top laners in Ornn and Maokai.

Jujutsu Tech (2–7)

3rd anime reference team and the 3rd team in D tier. This season referencing an anime was apparently the gravest sin you could commit. JJT has shown some promise in a few of their series they have actually played. Beating IR and going close with DOINB in their most recent series. JC3 and ImBerKai have been a consistent threat with the rest of the roster, with JC3 having some really insane performances. The rest of their team will really have to step up though.

If they can facilitate the bot lane as hard as they need to then this team can definitely surprise and possibly upset GM in their first round matchup.

Generation of Miracles (3–6)

3–6 record sounds bad, but they have taken games off of T7, DOINB, and T1. It has been a while with some roster changes, however. Yuuno and Teeto Juarez are some of the higher-ranked players in their roles. DaddyInTheEast has had a very odd game on Diana, pulling off an insane heist. The bot lane is the glaring issue, though. If the bot lane can get anywhere close to consistent they can have a chance in their first round against JJT, but from what I have seen it will be a tough one.

MVP Voting

We gave each team captain two votes for each role on who they thought were the best players, the winner of the most votes got MVP.

1st team

Lil Sejong
Koality Player
Double B
4000 IQ

2nd Team

Scoop Poop Woop

3rd Team

His Moonlight
Van Oofstendorp





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