Dominate Premade Interview with TTVtheonlytacocat

Risen Esports Leagues
3 min readOct 4, 2021
Image credit: Riot Games

by Granterino

As the first seed from Division A, TTVtheonlytacocat is probably the highest rated team going into playoffs. Division A won all 4 of their cross-division match-ups this past week and look to be the stronger group of teams overall.

Taco will hopefully continue to show off their current form in their match-up today against Oasis Revenant. Filled with Risen veterans, this team has carry potential from all 3 lanes and an insanely talented jungler in Zohair.

Why did you guys name your team after the 8th place master? Is he sponsoring you guys? Does he have one of you at gunpoint?

A Wild Terryy: I just wanted to support my favorite streamer even if he does scam his viewers daily.

Zohair: Epic streamer is epic.

Margarine: I just wanted to support my favorite streamer even if he does scam his viewers daily.

Ktenology: I just wanted to support my favorite streamer even if he does scam his viewers daily.

Ligmatim: I didn’t name anything I’m just here for the TOP CARRY!

Marg: What is that question, I’m going to GM — theonlytacocat

Is there anyone you are looking forward to playing for the first time/playing again from your group?

A Wild Terryy: From our group I want to play against USAE since that is the only team we lost to and also PUAU since we play against them with a sub mid laner I believe. From the other group, I’m not really sure since OR doesn’t have the same jungleranymore, AO doesn’t have the same bot lane, WLS is boom I believe. So I guess it would be GPPK?

Zohair: I am super sub for OR but they don’t have me this time.

Margarine: No.

Ktenology: Nope.

Ligmatim: Nah we just trying to have BIG FUN.

Are there any sick strats you have planned for the final week of the regular season?

A Wild Terryy: We lane swap Lim top and me ADC and teno sup for Sion/ Zilean. Other than that, I need to keep Marg in check or I fear for my life

Zohair: Can’t say.

Margarine: I’ve been cooking up some things in the lab on my alt account. Whether Teno and Terry lets me play them is another question.


Ligmatim: Some swaps may have a guest appearance.

How has Terryy being strong side changed the team, now that he is a strong side player?

A Wild Terryy: Wait until I bring out the strongside Maokai technology

Zohair: He’s not really strong side but if I path bot someone else is pathing mid…

Margarine: *bark bark* Terry is so mechanically talented. I am playing Halio for him every game and ult diving his lane on a stacked wave and then TP back again for a re-dive *woof woof *

Ktenology: I will take TP and sack my lane for terry.

Ligmatim: Terryy is broken and we must unleash his true potential.

You can leave any comments here for the next team you play and anyone you wanna call out :)

A Wild Terryy: Please nerf soraka before I have to play against soulbert.

Zohair: Marg vs. Mwaume epic showdown.

Margarine: None.

Ktenology: Please nerf Soraka before I have to play against soulbert.

Ligmatim: Riot nerf Lulu when?



Risen Esports Leagues

The Risen Champions League is a Tier 2 tournament partner for the LCS Proving Grounds. Follow our content for player interviews, team rankings, and more.